02 settembre 2006

I lie for only you, and I lie well...

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd Edition)
-by Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig

The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Definitive and Extended Edition
-by Richard P. Feynman, et al.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
-by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
-by Douglas R. Hofstadter

General Chemistry
-by Linus Pauling

Concepts of Modern Mathematics
-by Ian Stewart

The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition--with a new Introduction by the Author
-by Richard Dawkins

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition
-by David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox

Society of Mind
-by Marvin Minsky

The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number
-by Mario Livio

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